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CryptoParty Plovdiv

We don't have anything to hide, but we still lock the door to the bathroom : ) In the same way it would be natural to “lock” our emails, chats and files. We don't want a stranger to read them or record what we do on the Internet.

Come and learn how to do it and how easy it is actually : )

Everyone is invited - old and young, ordinary people and geeks, female and male.

When: Wednesday, 5 Oct, 18:30

Where: Hackafe - “11-ti Avgust” 1, Plovdiv, Map

It is free to attend. Please send us an email if you would like to come, so if there are any changes we will then notify you by email.


mail [at]

Get Involved

CryptoParty is an open and participatory movement. Everyone can participate in the movement in all kinds of ways:

  • organizing a CryptoParty
  • creating posters, flyers, stickers, banners
  • spread the word about upcoming CryptoParties
  • teaching others