====== CryptoParty @ JuJu's Bar ======
<- [[:london|London Index Page]]
===== 1 MAY 2018 - WORKERS DAY EDITION =====
**Next @CryptoPartyLDN: Tue 1st May 2018, 6.30pm - late, JuJu’s Bar & Stage, 15 Hanbury St, E1 6QR**
**{{ https://www.cryptoparty.in/_media/2018-05-01_cryptoparty_london_poster_final_low_res.png?300x426 |CryptoPartyLDN Poster}}**
==== WHERE ====
JuJu’s Bar & Stage, 15 Hanbury St, E1 6QR
==== WHEN ====
Tuesday 1st May 2018, 6.30pm - late. No registration is necessary. Free entry.
==== BRING ====
To get the most out of the workshops you may wish to bring
* your laptop and charger
* your phone
* a spare, clean USB/external drive can be handy
To get the most out of the bar, you may want to bring some cash.
==== SCHEDULE ====
**6.30 - 7pm: Entry, welcome!**
* Mayday CryptoParty Address (Silkie [[https://twitter.com/silkiecarlo|@silkiecarlo]] & Fabio [[https://twitter.com/fnstudio|@fnstudio]])
**7.00pm - 8.00pm: WORKSHOPS**
**Activists of the World, Encrypt! - [[https://twitter.com/silkiecarlo|@silkiecarlo]]** guides you through top tools for activists to use to communicate easily and safely, including encrypted messaging, anonymous browsing, and passphrase security.
**Knowledge is Power - [[https://twitter.com/graciemaybe|@graciemaybe]] & [[https://twitter.com/dongreene|@dongreene]]** will tell you everything you need to know to find out what Government departments and information companies hold on you, also known as making a subject access request, as well as the tools available to help you do so.
**Crypto is the Opium of the People - [[https://twitter.com/gouttegd|@gouttegd]]** is serving up high grade crypto - learn how to send and receive undecipherable, encrypted emails with GPG (laptops required for this workshop).
**Anti-Surveillance Capitalism - [[https://twitter.com/spyblog|@spyblog]]** obscure your financial system and CCTV surveillance data trails. Bring along some items to swap or barter e.g. prepaid Oyster travel cards, prepaid mobile phone SIM cards, PAYG phone top up vouchers, (for setting up Signal or other encrypted messenger or social media accounts), burner phone handsets, disposable encrypted email and social media accounts, Free Public WiFi credentials etc.
- slides[[https://p10.secure.hostingprod.com/@spyblog.org.uk/ssl/CryptoPartyLondon/1st_May_2018/CryptoPartyLondon_1st_May_2018_Anti-Surveillance_Capitalism.pptx|(pptx)]] [[https://p10.secure.hostingprod.com/@spyblog.org.uk/ssl/CryptoPartyLondon/1st_May_2018/CryptoPartyLondon_1st_May_2018_Anti-Surveillance_Capitalism.odp|(odp)]] [[https://p10.secure.hostingprod.com/@spyblog.org.uk/ssl/CryptoPartyLondon/1st_May_2018/CryptoPartyLondon_1st_May_2018_Anti-Surveillance_Capitalism.pdf|(pdf)]]
**8.00pm: TALK AND Q&A: BLACKLISTED - corporate spies and undercover cops**
With the authors of [[https://newint.org/books/politics/blacklisted-secret-war-2/|'Blacklisted']]: journalist and academic [[https://twitter.com/philchamberlain|@PhilChamberlain]] and blacklisted construction union activist [[https://twitter.com/DaveBlacklist|@DaveBlacklist]] on what happens when the state and the private sector decide you’re a political threat and what you can do about it.
**9.00pm: DJ SET by RJHODE**
==== WHO ====
CryptoPartyLDN is organised by Fabio Natali ([[https://reckondigital.com/|Reckon Digital]]) and Silkie Carlo ([[https://bigbrotherwatch.org.uk/|Big Brother Watch]]), with the help of excellent venues and trainers.
Contact us on Twitter:
* [[https://twitter.com/cryptopartyldn|CryptoPartyLDN: @CryptoPartyLDN]]
* [[https://twitter.com/fnstudio|Fabio: @fnstudio]]
* [[https://twitter.com/silkiecarlo|Silkie: @silkiecarlo]]
Or email:
* silkie.carlo@bigbrotherwatch.org.uk ([[https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8C5394E5C29C45AF|PGP key here]])
* me@fabionatali.com ([[https://fabionatali.com/267DC236.asc|PGP key here]])
==== SEE ALSO ====
* [[https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/cambridge-analytica-facebook_uk_5ab218e6e4b0decad0455473?ncid=tweetlnkukhpmg00000001|Cambridge Analytica Is A Symptom Of The Bigger Facebook Problem]]
* [[https://www.liberty-human-rights.org.uk/campaigning/people-vs-snoopers-charter|The People vs The Snoopers' Charter]]
====== CRYPTO WHAT‽ ======
**CryptoPartyLDN** organises monthly events about digital rights, privacy, and information security.
You're invited! Come along for free training, lightning talks, new friends and crypto-themed cocktails...
We provide free beginner-level workshops on digital privacy tools, such as secure messaging; email encryption software; laptop and smartphone security; and safe and anonymous web browsing.
//Am I being tracked online? Are my messages really private? What's Tor? Are my passwords secure?// These are some of the questions we try to answer.
Digital technologies play an increasingly important role in our society, yet they often appear as impenetrable black boxes. We aim to unveil this opacity, to shed some light on the inner complexity - technical but also economical and political - of our digital world.
CryptoPartyLDN is about technology and technological tools - but not only that. Most importantly, we see CryptoPartyLDN as a conversation starter, an open space where digital citizens can share their concerns and look for possible solutions. Together.