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16. 7. 2013 18:00


Progressbar Hackerspace, Michalska 3, Bratislava Michalsky Dvor, ring bell where says Progressbar, go to the second floor, right from stairs.


<p>Debata o odposluchoch vládami, čo proti tomu možte spraviť, poradíme ako sa lepšie chrániť, ako sú na tom europské štáty s odposluchmi (UK,DE,..) a prečo sa touto témou zaoberať.</p> <h2>Schedule</h2> <p>Pavol “wilder” Luptak -&#160;<a href=“” title=“”>Android Privacy Guide</a> </p> <p>Matej “wao” Nemcek - This was not an Accident (Boston Brakes) + AutoSec</p> <p>Speakers are welcome, send your topics to</p> <h3>We are throwing another cryptoparty, helping people communicate more secure &amp; showing 'em tools&#160;</h3> <p>Juraj will help you with&#160;PGP / GPG installation. Otherwise we show you <a href=“” title=“”>Tor</a>, some <a href=“” title=“”>Secure Chats (not only Cryptocat, Threema, TextSecure)</a>, <a href=“” title=“”>understand OTR</a>, why you should prefer <a href=“” title=“”>PFS and ECDSA (hint&#160;ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA)</a>, <a href=“” title=“”>why you want encrypted phone calls (ZRTP)</a>&#160;and top of it, using cryptocurrency, <a href=“” title=“”>Bitcoin</a>.</p> <p>More resources at&#160;<a href=“” title=“”> wiki</a> </p> <p><a href=“” title=“”></a> </p>