This is an old revision of the document!


space (where?)

  • a permanent table at either the Noisy Square or in the Hackcenter
  • a more quiet room for the following:

proposal for three tracks (what?)

1: Documentation



 git clone
 make install

e.g. Pandoc compiles to HTML and is written here:


After an update:

 cd handbook
 git pull

Recurring: crontab entry with git pull

2: Definition

(Guiding Principles, Finding consensus etc.)

  • What is CryptoParty?
  • What do the guiding principles mean in practice and how strict are they to be followed?
  • etc.
  • pp.
  • <room for more discussion>

3: Tools

time (when?)

Sat, 27-Dec-2014

18:00 Get Together

Who is there, what do we actually want to do?

Sun, 28-Dec-2014

12:00 Tools

16:00 Documentation

20:00 Definition

Mon, 29-Dec-2014

12:00 Definition

16:00 Tools

20:00 Documentation

Tue, 30-Dec-2014

12:00 Documentation wrap-up

14:00 Definition wrap-up

16:00 Tools wrap-up

18:00 saying good bye