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Chattanooga TN

As Chattanooga leads the country in fiber to the home, we have a responsibility to train our citizens to act safely and securely in the digital realm.


Why CryptoParty?

Privacy is the space in which ideas are developed, to retreat into whenever you want. This space is not only physical but digital as well. Governments and companies don't want to respect that so we become active ourselves.

What is a CryptoParty?

CryptoParties are free and open for everyone, but especially those without prior knowledge, who haven't yet attended one.

CryptoParty is a decentralized movement with events happening all over the world. The goal is to pass on knowledge about protecting yourself in the digital space. This can include encrypted communication, preventing being tracked while browsing the web and general security advice for computers and smartphones.

To try the programs and apps at the CryptoParty bring your laptop or smartphone.

Upcoming Events

DayTimeLocationAddressAdditional Information
tbatbaThe Edney Innovation CenterFifth Floor,1100 Market St, Chattanooga, TN 37402



Upcoming Topics

TopicInstructorEquipmentExperience LvlAdditional Information
VPN vs TORcipher6Laptop/Mobile DeviceNo Experience RequiredAttendees will have the opportunity to explore the difference in paid vs free VPN services and the difference in Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and The Onion Router (TOR) service.
Password ManagerstbaLaptop/Mobile DeviceNo Experience RequiredAttendees will be presented with updated password creation techniques (Diceware) and receive hands-on assistance installing and configuring the LastPass, KeePass, or Buttercup password managers.
TAILS OStbaLaptop/JumpDriveNo Experience RequiredAttendees will be given a copy of The Amnesic Incognito Live System (TAILSOS) Operating System and receive hands-on instruction on configuring and navigating the secure operating system.
Full Disk EncryptiontbaLaptop/JumpDriveNo Experience RequiredAttendees will be given hands-on instruction in configuring Veracrypt for Full Disk Encryption (FDE) on Windows-based personal computers.
Off-The-Record(OTR) MessagingtbaLaptop/Mobile DeviceNo Experience RequiredAttendees will be given hands-on instruction in configuring Signal and other OTR messaging apps for both mobile devices and desktop browser use.
FlowCrypt for GmailtbaLaptop/Gmail AccountNo Experience RequiredAttendees will be given hands-on instruction in installing and configuring FlowCrypt for Gmail in the Chrome or Firefox web browsers.