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Freeside Atlanta is throwing a CryptoParty!

When: 7pm - 11pm every 3rd Thursday of the month

Where: Freeside Atlanta, 675 Metropolitan Pkwy, Suite 6066, Atlanta, GA 30310 (detailed directions on our wiki)

Cost: Free, plus cost of tin foil for the making of hats (No paranoia jokes? Too soon?)

What: A practical workshop for anyone interested in keeping their digital lives private.

Bring your laptops, netbooks, tablets and phones - we'll help you learn how to secure them and your communications:

- full disk encryption for your computers and memory sticks;

- encrypted email, text messages, IM on all your devices;

- anonymous browsing and tracker-avoidance;

- censorship circumvention;

- password generation, databases and management;

- keysigning / extending the web-of-trust.

If you have knowledge and skills to contribute in these or related areas please come along and share them with us!


- ad-hoc discussion of the laws that govern who can access your stuff and when; and, at some point in the evening,

- our regular round-up and discussion of some cryptography basics and the latest digital-rights news, opinions, and happenings.

You don't have to sign up to come along - but if you do, it helps us prepare. Pseudonymous sign-ups are fine!

Drop in for a few minutes to ask a question or stay all evening and chat about privacy, security, and the interwebz.