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Why CryptoParty?

Privacy is the space in which ideas are developed, to retreat into whenever you want. This space is not only physical but digital as well. Governments and companies don't want to respect that so we become active ourselves.

What is a CryptoParty?

CryptoParties are free and open for everyone, but especially ​those without prior knowledge, who haven't yet attended one.

CryptoParty is a decentralized movement with events happening all over the world. The goal is to pass on knowledge about protecting yourself in the digital space. This can include encrypted communication, preventing being tracked while browsing the web and general security advice for computers and smartphones.

To try the programs and apps at the CryptoParty bring your laptop or smartphone.

Next Dates

27 July 201718:00ThoughtWorks, Level 23, 303 Collins St, MelbourneSpecial Presentation: Marcy Wheeler - PRISM (702) and effects on 5EYES countriesMore information


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  • email '' with 'subscribe cryptoparty-melbourne-announce' in the email body
  • or create an account, and login via the web at, and select

Previous Dates

16 May 201718:00Blockchain Centre, Level 1, 89 - 91 City Road, SouthbankPrivacy for Organisers of Actions, Events and Movement buildingMore information
01 Jun 201718:30Coburg Library meeting room, Victoria St & Louisa St, CoburgWhat is government and corporate surveillance? What is metadata? Discuss what these are and learn about privacy and encryption tools including Tor, Signal and location/GPS settings in a hands-on workshop. You are welcome to bring your own smart phone or tablet.More information
26 Apr 201718:00Blockchain Centre, Level 1, 89 - 91 City Road, SouthbankSet up your self-hosted end-to-end encrypted chat server workshop ​More information
15 Mar 201718:00RMIT, City Campus, 53 Lygon St, Carlton, Victoria OpenAustralia Foundation & CryptoParty Mashup: Freedom of Information (FOI) WorkshopMore information