Cryptoparty Omaha asdf
Where: University of Nebraska - Peter Kiewit Institute - 1110 South 67th Street, 68182
We'll be in the big glass room on the north side of the building, room 158
This page will be updated for parking information ( the current goal is to not worry about it :D )
When: Friday October 25th 2013, 4pm-8pm
We're going to have PIZZA!
Bring your PGP keys for signing, we'll have signings at 4/6/8pm, intermingled with talks on why you should use crypto, how to use crypto, and whichever way the groups decides.
We will also have two rooms set aside for one on one help in configuring devices, and general socializing.
We hope to raise the awareness on what can happen if you don't encrypt, and what you can do to protect your information!
Bring your laptop, your cell phone, and a thumb drive if you have one.
What you are going to get. One of the most awesome groups of people ever assembled, and pizza! There should be fun by all, after all, it's a party!