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CryptoParty in Oxford

Friday 29th November 2019, 6:30pm at The Lighthouse

FREE + open to all!

What's a CryptoParty?

CryptoParties are FREE, beginner-friendly gatherings to help people of all ages and abilities to reclaim their privacy and power online. Our trainers are digital privacy experts who will help you with phone security, private communications, secure passwords, social media privacy settings, web browsing privacy and more.

We also host talks, debates and workshops on digital rights, privacy, technology (and the systems of power around it!).

If you've been to a CryptoParty before or are an advanced tech user, you're welcome too! Come and talk to us about your favourite project or topic, start an impromptu workshop about it, meet new friends and find potential collaborators.

You're invited!

Big Brother Watch and Open Rights Group are bringing CryptoParty to Oxford!

The event is FREE and open to *everyone*. There is no need to register. Workshops are beginner-friendly and enjoyable for people of all levels of experience.

Would you like to help? Do you have digital privacy tips and skills to share? Or perhaps an idea for a brilliant lightning talk relating to technology, privacy, the future and human rights? Get in touch!

About CryptoParty Oxford

Oxford is full of expertise on technology, rights, cybersecurity and privacy - but the city hasn't had a CryptoParty since 2016…! Therefore, Big Brother Watch and Open Rights Group are collaborating to bring together local campaigners, techies, and members of the public to have a CryptoParty in the hope local activists may continue to spread digital privacy and empowerment through CryptoParties!


Date Time Location
Friday 29th November 2019 6-9pm The Lighthouse, 1 Park End St, Oxford, OX1 1HH
Time Facilitator
6.00pm Big Brother Watch & Open Rights Group Welcome to CryptoParty!
6.40-7.00pm Open Rights Group Reclaim your data! How to do subject access requests to political parties.
6.40-7.00pmWho Targets Me? Install the Who Targets Me? plug-in to find out who is targeting you with political ads.
6.40-7.00pmJulia Slupska DIY Guide to Feminist Cybersecurity
6.40-7.00pm @SpyBlog Anonymity SwapShop - Bring along spare social media accounts, prepaid SIM Cards, burner phones, etc. to swap or barter with other people, to help break the financial and CCTV purchase trails, helping to keep your private and public digital personas in different compartments. DiceWare - Create a cryptographically strong, multi-word pass phrase, using random numbers obtained by throwing physical dice.
6.40-7.00pm @SarahAzouvi Anonymity and safety online: how and when to use open source browsers, privacy plug-ins, and the Tor Browser.
7.00-7.20pm As above All workshops repeat, giving you the chance to do a 2nd workshop.
7.30pm Open Rights Group 1. Fighting AdTech. Open Rights Group’s Campaigns Manager Mike Morel will tell us how the advertising technology (AdTech) industry routinely violates our digital privacy and how that abuse is being challenged.
7.40pm @SilkieCarlo, director of Big Brother Watch 2. Big Brother is watching you..! The surveillance state & how to fight it
7.50pm Julia Slupska 3. Cybersecurity as a Feminist Issue: Julia Slupska is a doctoral student at Oxford's Centre for Doctoral Training in Cybersecurity. Don't miss this flashtalk on how feminist theory and activism can shed light on cybersecurity blind spots and make cybersecurity research/industry more inclusive and mindful of how security design interacts with broader power dynamics
8.00pm Anders Sandberg 4. The transparent society: utopia, dystopia or just suburbia? Renowned thinker and polymath Anders Sandberg of Oxford University's Future of Humanity Institute examines the ideas in David Brin's excellent 1998 book, how things have turned out, and some of the problems with even perfectly transparent environments that indicate why we need privacy
8.10pm Max Van Kleek 5. Autonomy enhancing technologies
8.20pm TBC 6. TBC


Big Brother Watch: