- Location: 314 Hollister Hall, Cornell University: 4 Central Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA MAP
- Time: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
- Date: Tuesday, Aprli 22, 2014
- IRC: #opensourcecornell on Freenode
- Announcement: Listserv email
Patrick Niedzielski (PGP: 0xDEBFA176) will be presenting a talk during the first half of the event, entitled “Trust is Key: Integrating PGP into your Free Software development workflow”. Following the talk, beginning at around 6p, we will have a free-form keysigning party, where we will help you set up your PGP key and get it signed. We will also briefly discuss future meetings and events for the Open Source Cornell organization.
This event is open to the public, and all are encouraged to join us. Chips and beverages will be available. We ask that anyone joining us for the keysigning party bring and have on them at least one valid photo ID (preferably two), such as a Cornell ID or driver's license.
What to bring
- Key information if you have a PGP key
- Laptop if you don't, and want to set one up
- At least one photo ID
- Snacks?